Our next project will be a study dealing with poverty and
prosperity in the Bible. There are some
amazing “contradictions” in the Bible regarding poverty and prosperity.
For instance, Proverbs 13:22 says that “A good man leaves
an inheritance to his children's children.”
That doesn’t seem to describe someone who is lacking resources.
On the other hand, Jesus told the rich young ruler to “sell
all that you possess and distribute it to the poor.” There is no inheritance or wealth left to
pass on if you sell it all and give it away.
How then, can we understand the opposing views of poverty
and prosperity taught in the Bible?
There is an interesting account in Acts 3:1-10 that gives us some
Peter and John were going to the temple when they
encountered a man lame from birth. He
was at the temple gate, begging. When
the man asked them for alms, Peter replied that they did “not possess silver
and gold.” In other words they were poor
from a material point-of-view.
Then he continued, “but what I do have I give to you.” Peter, through the power of the Holy Spirit
had riches beyond what this man could ever imagine. Right then Peter gave him something that money
could not buy … “In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene—walk!”
“With a leap he stood upright and began to walk; and he
entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.”
Peter completely understood his poverty. He had no silver or gold. But, Peter also understood his
prosperity. Through the power of God he
gave the lame man something that was far more valuable than silver or gold.
There are many other examples like this throughout the
Bible. We’ll look at several of them in
our next study on the importance of having both poverty and prosperity.
(All Bible quotes taken from the NASB.)