Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It is more blessed to give...Mathematical Proof

A few weeks ago our pastor gave a sermon based on Acts 20:35.  This is a quote from the Apostle Paul, spoken to the elders in Ephesus:  “…remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

There are several things interesting about this quote.  First, this is the only recording of these words being spoken by Jesus.  So, how did Paul know Jesus made this statement?  Did he actually hear Christ speak these words while He was on earth?  That raises some interesting thoughts.

Second, what exactly does this mean?  In his sermon, Pastor Dave defined blessed as being “happy.”  The statement then can be interpreted to mean that “we are happier when we give.” This being the title of the sermon.  You can listen to the whole message at

Finally, why is this true?  Personally, I’m pretty happy to receive a gift.  So, why is it true that we are happier, more blessed, when we give?  Well, I have a theory, but it involves some math, so try to follow along.  Here’s the math:  1 + 1 = 2

Here’s the word problem to go along with the math.  If receiving equals one unit of happy and giving equals one unit of happy, then the entire process of receiving and giving equals two units of happy.

My theory is that you cannot give until you have received.  Therefore, both elements are present and the act of giving is equal to the blessing of both receiving and giving.

Before you click and run off to another website, let me try putting this into a practical example.  How about teaching?  That should be a good example.

It is more blessed to teach than to learn.

In order to teach you first have to learn.  And, you get the blessing of learning.  Then, when you share that information with others, you get the blessing of helping them learn.  Teaching is a double blessing.

What happens if you teach without first learning?  That’s fraud.

What happens if you learn without sharing with others?  That’s selfish greed.

To receive the double blessing you must first receive/learn.  And, then you must share/teach.

Mathematically, it is more blessed, 2X, to give than to receive.

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Passion for Partnering with God

Over the weekend we released our fourth book, “A Passion for Partnering with God.”  This study guide is very different from our other three publications.  This is not a Bible study guide.  Instead, the study is based on the autobiography of R.G. LeTourneau.

A few years ago a member of our college group, who attended LeTourneau University, told me some interesting stories about the founder of the school.  Eventually, I read “Mover of Men and Mountains.”  After just a few pages I was hooked!!  The life and trials and accomplishments of R.G. LeTourneau are amazing.  Even though he lived several decades ago, the events in his life were very similar to modern day events.

For example, as I was reading about the “Swine Flu” on the Internet, I was reading about the Spanish Flu epidemic that killed 25,000,000 people in 1918.  R.G. survived the Spanish Flu, but his first born son was one of millions of infants who did not survive.

As I was reading about R.G.’s business ventures during the Great Depression, we were experiencing the Great Recession.  How encouraging it was to read that the sales of R.G.’s business grew in dramatic ways during the years of the Great Depression.

About half way through the book I realized that the life lessons of R.G. were lessons we all need to learn.  I contacted the publisher, Moody Publishers, and asked for permission to extensively quote the autobiography.  They agreed, and so I created a study guide for the book.  Each question in the study guide is linked by page number to the autobiography.

You can learn more about the study guide at  Just click on the button labeled “Partnering with God.”